rowing in glasgow, UK
Join Clydesdale ARC
Open to all, find a squad for you

Membership Categories
Whether you’re looking to train twice a day and use our facilities with a full membership, or you’d just like to stay in touch with the club as a parent or former rower, we have a range of membership options.
Our monthly fees for the main membership categories are listed below. If you would like more information about other membership classes that may be available, please get in touch or take a look at our Welcome Pack.
Rowing (racing) categories are based on the international men’s and women’s racing categories and the structure of crews within our squads generally reflect this. However, all squads are open to all and people are welcome to join the squad that most closely fits their gender identity.
Our training groups are flexible – the crews and sessions that are best suited to each individual can be discussed with our coaches/captains.
For information on joining any of these squads, please contact our Captain: captain@clydesdalearc.org.uk.

Our Squads
beginners and rowers up to 18 years old
rowers over 18 years old
rowers over 27 years old
rowers looking for more flexibility in training schedule
adult beginner rowers with a basic level of rowing knowledge and skill
Friends of Clydesdale
anyone who would like to support Clydesdale ARC

Junior Rowing
We have 3 junior squads each with their own dedicated coach
Our Goal
To facilitate junior athletes to achieve their potential in rowing and compete at events such as The Scottish Championships, The Junior British Championships and National Schools Championships.
Beginner Squad
We offer a junior beginner program for rowers that have never rowed. This group trains on Saturdays and Sundays. Start off in training boats before moving onto the racing shells. We aim to progress the beginners as fast as possible into the older groups.
Age 13-15 Squad
This Squad of athletes trains 4/5 times per week. Training is a mix of water sessions, S+C and ERGO sessions. This group focuses on developing in the sport while still competing at the highest level at National schools and Junior British championships.
Age 16-18 Squad
Our Senior junior squad trains 8/10 times per week. This squad aims to compete at the highest junior level in the UK. We have had appearances at Henley Royal Regatta and also GB Trials.
Senior Rowing
The men and women’s senior squads regularly compete at a wide range of annual events, from local regattas to large national and international events, such as Head of the River, Women’s Head of the River, and Henley Royal Regatta.
The Senior training squads is open to anyone over the age of 18 with previous experience of sweep and/or sculling. We offer the opportunity to row in all boat classes, from singles through to eights.
In the current senior squads we have recreational rowers and those that follow a more structured training program.
The senior squads have their main group erg and weights sessions in the West Boathouse on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Over the winter the group water sessions take place over the weekend – unless you are lucky enough to have some time off during the week in which case you are more than welcome to go out during daylight hours during the week too.
Our senior squads are entirely supported by a volunteer coach that organises our training program, racing and training crews, and contributes a significant wealth of expertise to our athletes. We are very grateful!
If you are interested in supporting our senior squads through providing volunteer coaching please contact our club president.

Masters Rowing
Our Masters Squad is open to anyone over the age of 27 with previous rowing experience.
On the water training takes place on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with up to 2 sessions per day. The number of sessions is tailored according to individual needs and any upcoming competitions. There is also a session on Wednesday morning, and other ad-hoc training depending on individual circumstances.
The squad regularly competes at local regattas and the Scottish Championships, with opportunities for everyone to take part at various levels. We have also attended large national and international events, such as World Masters Regattas and Vesta Veterans Head of the River.
We have the benefit of a very experienced coach, which makes all the difference to the focus of our outings, our fitness and maintaining our technique as much as our flexibility will allow.
We maintain this professionalism through to our tea and toast sessions, which provide a social ending to our regular sessions.
Recreational Rowing
The Recreational Squad offers a friendly and fun opportunity for club members who want to enjoy rowing on the river in a relaxed environment.
This squad is ideal for members who want to participate for their physical and psychological health and do not necessarily want to be involved in racing or regular training.
Rowing is open to all and everyone should feel that they can enjoy the sport regardless of ability and aspirations.

Novice Rowing
Most people tend to move into our Novice Squad to further gain skills and knowledge, after completing our Learn to Row course.
Training for our Novice Squad is based around the fundamentals of the sport, alongside incremental growth. We work on rowing technique acquisition, on the water and on land, as well as building fitness levels in strength and endurance.
We like to work towards building confidence for any appropriate racing opportunities but it’s not all about performance; we want to share the benefit of adding rowing and being part of the rowing community into your life for your physical and psychological health.
A typical week for our Novice Squad is one weekday evening and a session each day of the weekend. We like to be out on the water as much as possible, but if we can’t then we are on rowing machines (ergs) and doing body conditioning.
Once you’ve reached a certain level of understanding and ability, we then will encourage you to join in with some of the Senior or Masters Squad training sessions until you and the coaches feel you are ready to move completely. However, you are always welcome to stay with our Novice Squad or join our Recreational Squad if you aren’t able to commit to the Senior Squad training.
Friends of Clydesdale
Anyone who is interested in supporting Clydesdale ARC is welcome to be a friend!
The overarching role of our Friends group is to widen the CARC community to encompass former rowers, family members, the local community, Glasgow Green users and anyone who might have an interest in the club. Overall, our intention is that we support the club to prosper as it meets the demands of the future.
Specifically, we can support and promote the development of CARC in positive ways through, for example, fundraising, getting involved in regattas and events, coaching, contributing to and maintaining club archives, community engagement, sustainability and our green policy, social media and our newsletter.
Many former members and supporters are scattered throughout the world. Some live nearby but circumstances limit their ability to row or visit the Club. The Friends initiative is about reaching out to both former members and supporters and current friends and also extending a warm welcome to new friends. It is about bringing together the past and the present. It is about friendships, connections, supporting each other and future generations of rowers on the Clyde. There is absolutely no requirement to have rowed or indeed want to row – everyone is welcome!
The Friends survey carried out earlier this year clearly established an interest in building a Friends of CARC community. There are many Clubs who have Friends initiatives that are focussed on fund raising. However, our Friends community is keen to contribute their skills and time as well as financially supporting the club. The Friends survey explored what people wanted from a Friends group and what people were able to offer. All of the recommendations have been agreed by the Clydesdale Committee.
We are enthusiastic about building our Friends community. If you want to join us or know more please email Julia Anne at friendsofcarc@clydesdalearc.org.uk.

Membership Information
Please see our welcome pack for information on how to join our club.
ADULT (18+)
£35 per month
Adult membership is open to anyone over the age of 18. As an adult member you can join our Senior Squad, Masters Squad or Recreational Squad if you have previous rowing experience, and our Novice Squad if you are still learning.
JUNIOR (11-17)
£20 – £40 per month
Junior membership is open to anyone form age 11 to 17. As a junior member you will join the Junior Squad, which has regular, structured training sessions with coaching.
J14 and J15 £20 per month
J16 £30 per month
J17 and J18 £40 per month
Junior rowing fees reflect the associated coaching fees. Junior members are also eligible for assistance through our Captains Fund.
Alternative Adult Membership Categories:
Memberships of the following three types have the same access to club facilities and these members are welcome to join any of our adult squads.
66 years plus: £25 per month
Student: £20 per month
Unemployed: £15 per month
Rowing should be a sport for all and to that extent, no one should feel excluded based on finances. Additional, discreet financial support for membership and kit costs can be made available should you require it, through our Captains Fund, and can be discussed with any of our current Trustees.
For members that only wish to use the land training facilities or facilities during off-peak times we also have the following membership options: